Ranking The Best Appetite Suppressants Of 2020

Appetite suppressants are dietary supplements that you can take to reduce your cravings. This can help with weight loss by making it easier to eat fewer calories throughout the day and stick to your diet.

With appetite suppressants, it’s important to know:

Our Winners

Best overall: Leanbean

Best non-stimulant appetite suppressant: Powher Fat Burner for Women

Best appetite suppressant for men: Legion Phoenix Fat Burner

Best appetite suppressant for women: Leanbean

Best over the counter appetite suppressant: PhenQ

Best Overall

1. Leanbean

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Leanbean is our #1 choice because it effectively suppresses your appetite, while also providing potent fat-burning and energy support.

Best of all, it’s crafted with only 100% all-natural ingredients, so you aren’t putting any toxins in your body.

2. PhenQ 

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Like Leanbean, PhenQ does a great job of providing a holistic weight loss and fitness solution beyond just suppressing your appetite.

It uses a unique weight loss formula to help you burn fat and block fat production to prevent you from gaining weight as regularly as before.

3. Powher Fat Burner for Women

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Powher’s focus is in the name – it’s a perfect weight loss supplement and fat burner for women that uses clinically proven formulas for better results.

It’s also a great choice because you get 180 capsules in every purchase, allowing you to suppress your appetite and your metabolism with a natural caffeine kick for a long stretch of time.

4. Legion Phoenix Fat Burner

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Legion Phoenix provides a caffeine-free fat burner and appetite suppressant, containing only 100% natural compounds that can increase your fullness after meals.

This supplement can also speed up your metabolism, helping you burn fat with natural ingredients.

5. RSP Nutrition QuadraLean

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This stimulant-free weight loss supplement uses green tea extract and other natural ingredients to promote weight management and provide antioxidant support for your body.

The scientifically proven ingredients do a great job of suppressing your appetite and increasing your metabolic burn rate for excellent results.

6. Naturelza Weight Loss Drops

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These weight loss drops are easy to add to virtually any meal or drink, so they’re among the easiest appetite suppressants to take.

The formula features potent ingredients and natural compounds that can help you burn fat more easily without any side effects.

7. Jacked Factory Burn-XT Thermogenic Fat Burner

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This thermogenic fat burner uses scientifically formulated veggie capsules to provide your body with the energy boost and appetite suppression it needs to lose weight.

It targets the fat burning process in multiple ways throughout your body for well-rounded and holistic results.

8. Genius Diet Pills

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Genius diet pills provide fantastic appetite suppression effects and can even increase your mental performance.

This is a great fit for college students who want to lose weight and ace their studies at the same time.

9. Dr. Emil Nutrition Bedtime Burn PM

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This non-stimulant metabolism booster is an ideal supplement to take if you want to burn fat while sleeping without keeping yourself awake

The product is made with all-natural vitamins, minerals, and other ingredients to give your body what it needs to recharge healthily while suppressing your nighttime munchies.

10. Orphic Nutrition Cambogia Extract Appetite Suppressant

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This all-natural appetite suppressant uses Garcinia Cambogia extract to reduce your appetite and make you feel fuller while eating less.

It’s a great choice if you follow a vegan or vegetarian diet.

Best Non-Stimulant Appetite Suppressant

1. Leanbean

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This appetite suppressant features a doctor-formulated blend of ingredients that are clinically proven to boost your metabolism and burn fat while you are at rest, all without stimulating you and keeping you awake.

Leanbean takes the top spot as the best non-stimulant appetite suppressant for providing a powerful formula without the side effects of typical stimulant based appetite suppressant formula’s.

Best Appetite Suppressant for Men

1. Legion Phoenix Fat Burner

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This appetite suppressant comes with 150 capsules and reduces cravings only with natural ingredients.

Phoenix takes the top spot as the best appetite suppressant for men for bolstering the male metabolism for better fat burning and protein synthesis.

Best Appetite Suppressant for Women

1. Leanbean

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Women will love this appetite suppressant that is specifically formulated for the female body, featuring natural ingredients that can boost metabolism and help women lose weight, even around hard to hit areas like the abdomen.

Leanbean takes the top spot as the best appetite suppressant for women for providing a well-rounded formula that is 100% natural and extremely effective.

Best Over The Counter Appetite Suppressant 

1. PhenQ

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This appetite suppressant can be purchased without any doctor’s note and provides clinically proven results without stimulating you or bringing harsh chemicals in your body.

PhenQ takes the top spot as the best over the counter appetite suppressant for targeting fat loss from 5 different pathways.

Who Should Buy An Appetite Suppressant?

Appetite suppressants can be taken by any healthy adult that wants to lose weight through a combination of supplements, exercise, and dieting. It’s particularly useful if the only thing holding you back is your self-control regarding cravings and daily hunger.

However, many appetite suppressants use natural stimulants like caffeine to bring about their results. This can lead to several side effects like a racing heartbeat, sweating, and general jitteriness, especially if you’re already sensitive to stimulants.

Diabetics should avoid appetite suppressants as certain ingredients may affect blood sugar negatively. Pregnant and nursing women should also avoid them as they may be dangerous for the fetus.

Overweight children should not use appetite suppressants either and are better off pursuing other more natural methods of weight loss. Of course, always speak to a medical professional before taking any dietary supplement to make sure that it is right for you.


Clinically Effective Ingredients: We focused on clinically effective ingredients above all other elements. This ensured that every product chosen was both extremely useful for dieting, but also safe to use in the long run. Most of the top appetite suppressants used 100% natural ingredients like CLA, a polyunsaturated fatty acid that can affect your appetite-regulating hormones.

Garcinia Cambogia extract is another common natural ingredient that contains hydroxy citric acid, which can reduce your appetite by increasing your serotonin levels and reducing your metabolism of carbohydrates. Glucomannan is a third common natural ingredient; this is a fiber that can make your stomach feel fuller, reducing the likelihood that you’ll feel hungry after eating a small meal. It is by far one of the safest and most effective fat burners on the market, which is products that included it, like Leanbean, took the top spot. 

Minimal Stimulants: We also tried to find both stimulating and non-stimulating appetite suppressants. Stimulating appetite suppressants may use natural ingredients like caffeine, which passively reduce your appetite while providing an energy boost. However, many people are sensitive to stimulants, so we looked for non-stimulating appetite suppressants that avoided caffeine in favor of other natural compounds – another reason why Leanbean took the top spot. 

Value: We also paid attention to how many servings were in each appetite suppressant product. Some suppressants have more servings per purchase, giving them more value for money overall and making them a better choice for those on a tight budget. Other appetite suppressants may only come with a 30-day supply of capsules, so you may need to spend more money in the long run. 

Thermogenic IngredientsOne of the last pieces we looked at was the inclusion of thermogenic ingredients. Thermogenic’s help increase calorie expenditure by increasing your body’s core temperature. This is an effective way to ramp up energy expenditure without becoming too jittery. As such, products that included powerful thermogenic’s, like Leanbean, PhenQ, and PowHer ranked exceptionally well.


Appetite suppressants are safe and effective at improving satiety. Because the majority of appetite suppressants use either all-natural ingredients or a combination of natural ingredients and mild synthetic ingredients, the odds of something disagreeing in the body and causing a major negative side effect is low.

Furthermore, suppressing one’s appetite can be done in several ways through neurotransmitter alteration, stomach-filling, or hormone regulation. In 1992, a review of several studies found that then-modern appetite-suppressing drugs were safe for the general population and were largely proven to reduce appetite and lower the food intake of those who took them. They were proven to be effective treatments for obese patients who were struggling to keep to a low-calorie diet and lose weight while exercising (1).

However, appetite suppressants are not designed to be used by themselves, nor will they provide weight loss without other efforts. A 2005 review of appetite suppressant studies and biological literature found that, although new mechanisms for drug action were under construction, appetite suppressants should only be viewed as useful supplements to regular dieting and physical activities (2).

Women can particularly benefit from appetite suppressants, as they are proven to be effective at reducing body size and hunger levels in most cases. Natural appetite suppressants are attractive to many women both for their lack of synthetic or harmful chemicals and because they can help women maintain rigid dietary goals over time.

A 2016 study involving 70 overweight, obese, and aerobically trained women had them randomly allocated into placebo and experimental groups. The group that was given appetite suppressants had significantly reduced appetite levels and carbohydrate intake, which resulted in weight loss across the board (3).

Appetite suppressants can help improve weight loss and weight maintenance. Botanical (products derived from natural plant-based ingredients) appetite suppressing products can be used to maintain healthy body weight and manage one’s metabolism.

The reasons why someone may be overweight can vary dramatically. However, these types of appetite suppressants can even help people not gain weight over time by helping to regulate their metabolic rates and suppressing their appetites before they become a problem.

A 2016 appetite suppression study took place with rats, in which the test subjects were given several different appetite suppressants like Orlistat. Body compositions were measured in the animals after several weeks. It found that plant-based appetite suppressants could help the subjects maintain healthy body weights largely of their own volition and without prodding by researchers. The researchers suggested using these natural supplements as alternatives to synthetic appetite suppressants (4).

Garcinia Extract, also called hydroxy citric acid, is a particularly good weight loss supplement ingredient. Statistically significant evidence in controlled trials shows that weight loss and appetite suppressant supplements containing this ingredient can provide better weight loss results than placebo pills. However, there is some evidence that side effects should be anticipated by those with pre-existing gastrointestinal conditions.

A 2010 systematic review of available trials (23 in total) found through meta-analysis that a small but statistically relevant difference in weight loss favored HCA over placebo ingredients. The researchers did note that clinical relevance is uncertain over the long-term and future trials should be carried out (5).

Another common appetite suppressant ingredient, green coffee extract, can provide beneficial effects to those trying to lose weight. Green coffee extract contains high concentrations of caffeine, which can boost metabolism and overall energy levels in the individuals that consume it. The overall magnitude of the effect is moderate but statistically significant.

A 2011 systematic review and meta-analysis of several randomized clinical trials found that there was significant heterogeneity among the studies and the results. Results from the trials were promising and showed that green coffee extract was positively correlated with lower appetite and better weight loss in tested subjects (6).

Appetite suppressants can help improve overnight fat burning. Because of the way appetite suppressants can interact with one’s metabolism and other bodily functions, they’re very good at regulating hormones and neurotransmitters that normally signal the time to eat.

But they can also accidentally cause someone to feel hungry if they are taken at night when the body would normally be in a restful state. This means most appetite suppressants need to be taken during specific windows of time for their greatest efficacy.

A 2016 study following evaluated rats noted that animals who received daily applications of appetite suppressants had excellent weight loss results, particularly when the suppressants were combined with a high fat dietary restrictive diet. The researchers suggested that this was because animals in their active phase burned more calories with their appetites suppressed than they did during restful periods. Similarly, they noted the animals had a tendency to gain weight if the suppressants were taken during restful cycles (7).

Appetite suppressants can be particularly effective at protecting against overweight and obesity. Because fiber (a common ingredient in most appetite suppressants) fills the stomach and reduces the appetite of the person who consumed the supplement, it provides a natural defense against the human need to eat food when presented.

A 2017 review of several studies and available literature found through meta-regression that soluble fiber supplementation can reduce average BMI by 0.84 and body weight by 2.52 kg. Isolated soluble fiber supplements can improve the metabolic and anthropometric outcomes for overweight and obese adults, leading to better health overall and increased fiber intake (8).

Phytochemicals like caffeine, nicotine, and green coffee bean extract have proven anti-obesity effects, make up many of the ingredients in common appetite suppressants. These natural compounds can provide appetite-suppressing effects through a variety of means, including energy and metabolic boosting, hormone regulation, and neurotransmitter manipulation. In most cases, the main site or mechanism of action takes place in the central nervous system.

A 2010 review of several phytochemicals’ effects on weight loss and obesity discovered that the majority of natural compounds have positive effects in regard to appetite suppression. However, the researchers did note that additional studies are needed to prove conclusively that certain ingredients are definitively better than others (9).

Appetite suppressants can help reduce snacking and cravings. Satiereal, a common appetite suppressant ingredient, may be particularly helpful for women who struggle with snacking. Satiereal is an extract from saffron stigma and can reduce the incidence of snacking and overall appetite in women who are already overweight.

A 2010 study involving healthy but mildly overweight women (60 in total) had them participate in a double-blind and placebo-controlled study to evaluate the efficacy of this ingredient. The women who received the appetite suppressant had significantly decreased snacking frequency compared to the placebo group. Furthermore, the researchers noted that there were no negative side effects among either group, particularly when it came to moods or energy levels (10).

Guar fiber, when consumed with appetite suppressant products, can significantly reduce one’s appetite and prevent post-meal snacking. This fiber takes up space in the stomach and reduces appetite by tricking the body into thinking that it’s fuller than it is.

A 2016 review of available clinical studies from that guar fiber could regularly reduce inter-meal (snacking) caloric intake by around 20% on average. Only a 2g dose was required for these beneficial effects (11).

Appetite suppressants can improve mood when dieting. Appetite suppressants often include ingredients that directly work on the neurochemicals in the brain that control satiety and motivation. One such example is 5-HTP. One study in 2005 showed that 5-HTP can help reduce appetite before and after meals by altering your perception of how much food you really need (12).

Other studies show that appetite suppressants can overcome certain negative elements of transitioning into a diet, which is a big pitfall many people fall into when they begin a weight loss program (13).

Appetite suppressants can improve your calorie expenditure. One of the great things about appetite suppressants is its ability to limit the number of calories you want to consume on daily basis. However, it often comes packed with other fat burning ingredients designed to ramp up fat burning through burning more energy. This helps to burn fat from both ends, by eating less and burning more.

Caffeine is one of these powerful ingredients, shown to be a potent appetite suppressant while improving energy expenditure. In one 1990 study, caffeine was shown to have a powerful thermogenic effect on the body, leading to extra calories burned (14).

Another study showed that this thermogenic calorie-burning effect occurs in both lean and overweight people, making it a great tool for both weight loss and weight maintenance in those who have already achieved their goals (15).

Capsaicin is another powerful ingredient designed to support weight loss and appetite suppression at multiple levels. In a 1988 study, capsaicin was found to increase metabolic activity in animal fat cells (16).


Overall, an appetite suppressant could be the perfect boost to your dieting routine that you need to meet your weight loss goals. They can help improve satiety, reduce cravings, and improve adherence to their diet. 

Some supplements may also include powerful thermogenic compounds and metabolic enhancers designed to maximize fat loss from multiple pathways.

For’s #1 recommended appetite suppressant, click here.